Our School Eco Council

At St. John's our Eco Team are committed to caring for our planet in various ways. We are now an Eco School with Distinction! We have learned about Waste, Healthy Living, Global Citizenship, Transport, Biodiversity and School Grounds. We regularly take part in Eco initiatives as a school. For instance, we have learned about E-waste and now recycle batteries in school. We donate to Atherton Food Bank, take part in Health Weeks and Walk to School Weeks and we raised money for Ukraine. Recently, we have constructed a greenhouse made solely from plastic bottles and we protested on our school field about protecting threatened species!

Our School Eco Council

Our Eco aims go hand-in-hand with the Ethos and Christian Values of our school. We know that God wants us to look after the planet he made for us:

"The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it." (Genesis 2:15)

Watch this space for more news and developments over the year and well done St. John’s on our achievements so far!

Mr Lewis (Eco Leader)

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