Class information
Year 2 class teacher
Mrs Green |
Hello and a warm welcome to Year 2 at St. John’s Mosley Common. My name is Mrs Green.
In Year 2 we are called Jays and a typical day in Year 2 begins with a morning activity. This is called Maths Flashback 4. We then begin our morning with Collective Worship, Picture News or our Celebration Assembly. Our collective worship is where we learn all about the teachings of God and Jesus Christ. We even have an Ethos group in school.
In English we look at a fiction and a non-fiction book and focus on comprehension, this is then followed with learning the Year 2 skills in Grammar and spelling. We then learn how to do a ‘short write’ like a character description and this is then followed on with a ‘long write’ like a story or a biography of a significant person. After English, we have playtime where the children have time to talk and play with their friends with a healthy snack.
After playtime we have our Read, Write Inc Phonic lessons where we learn to decode words and learn new sounds. This helps us progress with our reading, spelling and writing. Spellings are online games called ‘EdShed’. At every half term the children will get a test of these words to see how they have got on. In Maths the children learn lots of new concepts related to Number, Calculations, Shape, Space and Measure. We use our mathematical skills to answer fluency, reasoning and problem solving activities.
In the afternoons, depending on the day of the week and the topic we are covering, we learn how to do investigations in Science and we learn about significant people and events, like Rosa Parks or Guy Fawkes in History. We also learn about the world and local areas in Geography including the human and physical features. We cover lots of themes in Religious Education and relate our Christian Values to our daily lives. We design and make things in Design and Technology, like a bird feeder and in Art we learn about artists and experiment with colour and media techniques. Our P.E. lessons take place twice a week and this teaches the children various skills from gymnastics through to multi – skills.
At each half - term we will send out a letter to explain each new topic and how you can help your child via seesaw (our new parent / school communication tool).
St. John’s holds an open door policy. If you would like to visit our Year 2 class, please contact the school office on 0161 790 2195 and we will be happy to arrange a visit for you.
Mrs Green
Year 2 Class Teacher
Mrs Green |