Hello and welcome to Year 5 at St. John’s Mosley Common.
My name is Mrs Gore and I really enjoy teaching in Nightingale’s class. We enjoy many roles and responsibilities in Year 5 including being ‘Play Leaders’ where we help and teach our younger children how to play a variety of playground games. Every morning, we complete a maths activity where we answer five questions to recap past learning. We then go to Worship, Picture News, Singing and Star assemblies depending on which day of the week it is.
After our Worship time, we have a Guided Reading lesson where we focus on a daily skill – Vocabulary, Inference, Predicting, Explanation, Retrieval, Sequence and Summarise. Every day, we have an English and a Maths lesson and we have two spelling lessons per week. We use Spelling Shed to assist Spelling practise at home and children have access to Times Tables Rock stars.
Afternoons in Nightingales consists of Science, History/Geography, Religious Education, Computing, Physical Education, French, Art, Design Technology and Music lessons. The children also have two P.E. lessons a week.
Year 5 offers a wide variety of learning experiences from making seasonal soup to designing and making bird huts.
St. John’s holds an open door policy. If you would like to visit our Year 5 class please contact the school office on 0161 790 2195 and we will be happy to arrange a visit for you.
Mrs. C. Gore
Year 5 Class Teacher